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Our story

Our story

Foodhak believes that you should never have to compromise between living healthily, eating beautifully, and spending time on the things you love.

Foodhak was born out of the lived experience of our founder and CEO - Sakshi Chhabra Mittal. Diagnosed with a rare liver disease during her first pregnancy, Sakshi switched to an Ayurvedic diet. This switch supported her treatment, gave her more energy and helped her feel better than before. 

This gave her the idea for Foodhak - a food service that made healthy 'food as medicine' delicious and accessible for all.

Our Mission

Foodhak believes life should be without compromise. Why should we choose between our food being healthy, delicious and ready in a flash? Why can’t we have all three?

We’re leading the food revolution crafting food that bring both health and taste to your table. Our freshly prepared dishes boast a range of health benefits ranging from anti-inflammatory to low GI to dairy-free.

Plus, by designing our meals with clinical research in mind, our food has the power to act as preventative medicine making every bite good for your body.

How we do it

We use our proprietary AI-technology to read thousands of the latest scientific research papers helping us understand which foods are the most beneficial for our long term health. Our team of chefs use this information to reinvent and reimagine classic dishes into your new favourite meals.

We ensure that there is no compromise when it comes to the taste our dishes striking the perfect balance between flavour, health and convenience to create the perfect recipe.

This is what tomorrow tastes like. Try it - it’s delicious.

The food was incredible, so authentic, so tasty, so nice to be cooked for. The Rasam was incredible for digestion.
T. Disks
Absolutely loved the 4-day detox plan. I’m down 1.5Kg, feel stronger, and healthier. Love the Brownies esp, probably the world’s cleanest brownies!
S. Rao
I am so grateful to be able to access such wonderful healthy food. Having recently started an Ayurvedic diet I felt restricted and intimidated by the changes necessary but your food has been a God send.
B. Ayling
Thank you for the great delivery I have just received. It all looks amazing and I am loving the long dates so I don't feel like I have to rush and eat everything in one week!
V. Bancroft-Ludwig